How does it work?
Hypnotherapy is a little like a garden hose … you know the connection is secure, you’ve turned the tap on and there’s nothing wrong with the pipes or water supply but you’re standing at the other end of the hose in your veg patch and … nothing … You track back along the hose and notice a couple of kinks which when straightened out mean the water can flow easily again. Hypnotherapy (alongside NLP which I also incorporate) is the process by which we get rid of any kinks. I believe you have all the skills and strengths you need to find your solutions, my job is to help get you into the best mindset possible so that you can make decisions and move forwards freely towards your preferred future.
What does ‘Solution Focused’ mean?
Instead of dwelling on and analysing any problems, I’ll encourage you to picture yourself without those challenges so that you have clear goals to work towards.
Can you make me do something against my will?
No. This isn’t about you relinquishing control but rather taking back control. I’ll teach you how your brain works, so that you can understand why you’re thinking, feeling and acting the way you currently are and how to create positive changes.
Who needs Hypnotherapy?
Incorporating a positive mindset into your day-to-day life can benefit everyone. My clients range in age from 8 years to mid 80s; it’s never too soon or too late to equip yourself with a toolkit of techniques and coping strategies ready for whatever life throws at you. The brain is more playdough than porcelain, each of us is a work in progress and that wonderful neuroplasticity means there’s always the opportunity for improvement.
Can Hypnotherapy help me?
Hypnotherapy can be beneficial for a huge range of challenges if the unwanted symptoms you’re experiencing are due to anxiety, stress or low mood. These include but aren’t limited to; disrupted sleep patterns, low self-confidence and self-esteem, past trauma, unhelpful patterns of behaviour or coping strategies (e.g. cutting down on alcohol, quitting smoking, healthier eating choices), a fear of change and a gloomy outlook / dread of the future, regulating emotions (e.g. anger management), sports performance, public speaking, exam stress, dealing with bullying / peer pressure, phobias and irrational thoughts, obsessive compulsive disorder, fertility, preparation for childbirth, dealing with peri-menopause and menopause, pain control, grief / loss and so much more …
If you’re suffering with something not listed above just give me a call to see if it’s worth giving Hypnotherapy a try. Some Clients will come with a list of things they’d like to improve and others will focus on just one, although it’s not unusual to find that as they feel more empowered they want to tackle anything else that’s bothering them.
How long does it take?
I honestly can’t answer this because it’s very individual but I’ll do my best to help you as quickly as possible and after each session you should feel more upbeat, motivated and ready for the next step. You’ll know when you feel better.
How often will we meet?
Ideally once a week for an hour. I’ll encourage you to practice the tools I teach you imbetween sessions, it’s abit like signing up with a personal trainer – you wouldn’t expect them to exercise for you! Once you’re back on track, you can enjoy the option of gradually increasing the time between sessions but it’s totally up to you. You’ll know when you’re feeling better.
What are the next steps?
Good rapport is essential and it’s key that you feel comfortable and safe with your therapist. I offer a phone call during which we can book the Initial Consultation (either face-to-face or online if you prefer). That first session is one of the most important because I appreciate you’ve probably been on quite a journey before recognising you’d like some help. I’ll ask you a few standard questions and this is a good opportunity for us to get to know one another a little better. Then I’ll give you an introduction to how the brain works so you can understand why you’ve been reacting and responding in the way you have. We’ll create a toolkit of techniques and strategies using Hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), so that you can recognise any triggers, stay one step ahead and begin taking back control. Our discussions are confidential however you can choose how much detail you wish to share. My goal is that you look forward to each appointment knowing that you’ll leave more positive than when you arrived.
Face-to-face or online?
That’s entirely up to you. Some prefer the convenience and comfort of their own home (just find a quiet space where you won't be disturbed) and others would rather meet me in my garden room.
Please call for a free introductory chat if you have any other questions.
Ready when you are,
BA (Hons), DipSFH, Reg AfSFH, CNHC, NCP